This is a picture of James' platoon. All chaplains. James is on the bottom row to the right.

Last week the group got to experience the gas chamber. They require everyone to go through this experience and call it training. James calls it a form of hazing. Either way they enter the gas chamber with their masks on, having been required to don it in 10 seconds or less. James had it on in 3 flat. They entered a dimly lit building with a small metal table in the center of the otherwise empty room. On the table was a can with fire in it and a masked soldier was standing next to it feeding pellets into the can, causing a thick gas to fill the room. About 100 soldiers entered the room through strips of heavy plastic layered to keep the gas in as they all lined the walls around the room.
The first sensation was a burning on the exposed skin, especially the skin with open pores like the back of the neck where it's sweaty.
The first task was to take of the mask, say your name, rank and serial number, re-place the mask and clear it of the fumes. James performed this perfectly.
The second and final task was performed in groups of 10. They were required to take off their masks, say their name, rank and serial number, then take a breath and when all 10 were done to file out.
As James prepared for this final task he breathed deeply in and out, in and out, in and then a long breath out . . . then he ripped off his mask.
As soon as it was off he realized his mistake. Knowing that the drill Sgts are there to rip off your mask if you start to panic and try putting it back on, he didn't even attempt. But, needing to have breath in his lungs to say anything he inhaled . . . his lungs immediately froze. After a few seconds his body began to involuntarily gasp for breath, his chest heaving in and out - though the air that came in was just as seizing as the first. Some 20 seconds passed as his vision began to dim and his knees became weak. The instructor saw him fading and grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him out the doorway.
Though he was now in fresh air his lungs still would not draw it in because of the gas still inside.
Knowing that if he passed out, not breathing, things could get complicated really fast James struggled for the tiniest breaths. He stumbled around, not walking but falling and then catching himself with the other foot; not in a straight line either but side to side and back. They were told that upon exiting the chamber they should extend their arms and move them briskly up and down to get the gas away from their skin and clothing.
As James teetered around he heard another chaplain say, "Hey, we've got one over here that's not doing so well. No, he's not doing so good." His arms flapping, eyes burning, his chest heaving for the smallest fresh breath, his nose running . . . he cared nothing for how he looked but only focused on how he wanted that air. Only air.
Slowly the air began returning, replacing poison with oxygen.
After the whole breathing issue was taken care of he had plenty of time to feel stupid for taking off his mask before breathing in.
Here is a picture of right after the gas chamber. James is in the far back, second from the left.

For the last couple of days James has been out in the field doing landnav(igation) and field training. His final experience for today was moving through the trenches and low crawling under barbed wire with explosions and amunition flying over his head. He worked with a "chaplain's assistant" in the exercise where he would tail his body guard and drop and low crawl while the chaplain's assistant secured the area before they moved forward together. It sounded like a really great experience. Last weekend James strained his tendon in his shoulder but he was able to work through it with a little Motrin to help.
Thurdsay's temp in South Carolina was 106 degrees and they calculated the heat index around 120. Two of the Chaplain trainees suffered heat stroke and were taken away in the ambulance before they called off the exercise until the heat of the day subsided. Here's James' trusty camelback. He is required to drink 3 full camelback's of water a day.

Full battle gear. His combat helmet, flack jacket . . . etc. This only made it hotter out there.

MREs, Mmmmm.

I haven't seen James in his full Army uniform yet. It's strange for me to see the cross on his hat, like Father Mulcahy in M.A.S.H.
Did you know why the Army uniform's U.S. flag has the field of stars on the right side of the patch? This is not how the flag is usually portrayed in pictures and coloring books, right? It is worn this way because in days past the standard bearer at the front of the force would ride or carry their banner into battle, as it moved through the air the wind carried the banner behind the pole. The reason the flag is worn this way on the soldier's uniform is to symbolize moving forward into battle, as the flag flies back. It is worn on the right arm (though if it were on the left arm they could still have it flying in the wind as the soldier moves forward and it would look normal. Oh, well. I'm sure there is symbolism for why it is on the right arm. Something about honor probably.)

Thanks for checking in. Next weekend we'll be together for Luke's baptism. I can't wait to have him back, even for a short 55 hours.